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By: Most Coveted Racing Teams In The World - It's My Car
[…] Auto racing is also known as a car or motor racing is a form of sport that involves racing of automobiles in a competition where the main goal of an individual or the driver is to set the fastest time in completing a race. Auto racing is a fabulous and amusing event. It is interesting and exciting whether you see it in person or even just on tv. It is held in a large theater in front of a thousand crowds. However, at the back of all entertainment and success lies a very risky and hazardous situation for every driver. That is why, racers are highly admired by a lot of fans because of their athletic capability to handle and face extreme circumstances in a way that can result in severe injury or worse, death. And racing teams are also worshiped because of the quality output they provide despite the said circumstances. There are numbers of racing teams all over the world. Teams differ also on the area or type of racing they are in and teams are also formed depending on the organization they are engaged. […]

By: The Medical Reasons Of Race Car Drivers’ Deaths - It My Car
[…] On January 19, 1964, Joe Weatherly sustained head injuries following an accident at the Riverside International Raceway. The head of the American stock car racing driver hit a retaining wall, which caused his instantaneous death. He did not wear a shoulder harness, and the car did not have a window net due to his fear of being trapped inside the car if it burns. The death of Weatherly and the crash of Richard Petty in 1970 compelled NASCAR to require the installation of window nets in all race cars. […]