Best Cards Against Humanity Answers (50+ suggested sentences) for Chrismas 2022

Cards against humanity is a popular party game that can be played with anyone. It is filled with vulgar, obscene, and offensive questions that are sure to get you and your friends laughing. Some of the answers to these questions are so outrageous, it's hard to believe they're real. But they are! The game was created by Max Temkin and Mike Selinker in 2005 and has since become one of the most popular party games out there.

Best Cards Against Humanity Answers (50+ suggested sentences) for Chrismas 2022


Christmas is coming up and many families will be gathering together to play Cards Against Humanity. This is a great game that can be played with anyone, and the questions are so bad, it's hard to believe they're real. In this article, we're going to be providing you with all the answers to the cards in the game, so that you can have a little bit of fun beating your friends at their own game.

List Best Cards Against Humanity Answers Updating 2022

With the new year around the corner, it's time to update your list of best cards against humanity answers. In this article, we will provide you with some of the newest and most useful cards against humanity answers that can help you survive in any situation.

First and foremost, if you want to be successful in playing cards against humanity, it is important to have a good sense of humor. This game can be fun and entertaining when played with friends or family, but it can also be incredibly frustrating when played by strangers. If you find yourself struggling to keep a positive attitude during games, try using one of these cards against humanity answers as a guide.

The best cards against humanity of 2022 will keep you entertained for hours on end. Whether you're a serious card player or just looking for a good laugh, these 50 sentences will have you covered.

Best Cards Against Humanity Answers


List 50+ Cards Against Humanity Answers Updating 2022

1) "I'm not going to eat that," says the vegetarian.

2) "I'm sorry, I don't think so," responds the man with the meat allergy.

3) "Deal me in!" cries the mad scientist.

4) "You've got guts! I'll give you three cards," says the mafia boss.

5) "This isn't funny anymore," says the woman after repeatedly being laughed at by her friends.

6) "Sorry, that's not how this works," says the rules instructor as he sets down his rulebook.

7) "Did you say that? I didn't hear you," says the man with a hearing aid.

8) "How do you play this game?" asks the tourist.

9) "Don't worry, I'll take care of her," says the man with a gun.

10) "Yes, I've read your file," says the psychiatrist.

11) "How many of these did you see?" asks the judge.

12) "I'm afraid she was murdered," says the police officer.

13) "I have a license for this?" asks the tourist.

14) "We'll need to do some tests," says the doctor as he checks her out.

15) "How much will this cost?" asks the would-be victim.

16) "He's a dead ringer for the kidnapper," says the police officer.

17) "I want you to take your clothes off," says the doctor.

18) "They're not supposed to be here," says the tourist as he points to a private yacht moored nearby.

19) "What is it?" asks the judge as he looks at a battered old suitcase.

20) "I'll have an answer for you in a minute," says the doctor.

21) "You're going to need to come with me," says the police officer.

22) "Do you have any idea who the kidnapper is?" asks the police officer.

23) "Are you sure it's him?" asks the police officer.

24) "I can't believe it," says the tourist.

25) "When did you last see your father?" asks the police officer.

26) "I'm not a detective," says the police officer, "but I think we should talk to her.

27) "Are you sure this is the right place?" asks the tourist.

28) "I have no idea," says the tourist.

29) "Are you sure it was on that boat?" asks the tourist.

30) "He's coming," says the police officer.

31) "You look upset," says the tourist.

32) "Is there something wrong?" asks the police officer.

33) "I'm not a detective, but I think we should talk to her," says the police officer.

34) "Did you hear anything?" asks the tourist.

35) "I'm not a detective," says the police officer, "but I think we should talk to her."

36) "Is there something wrong?" asks the tourist.

37) "I don't know," says the tourist.

38) "You need to drink some water," says the tourist.

39) "I'm not a detective, but I think we should talk to her," says the tourist.

40) "I'm not a detective," says the police officer.

41) "I'm not a detective, but I think we should talk to her."

42) "Did you hear something last night?" asks the police officer.

43) "Did you hear anything last night?" asks the police officer.

44) "Did you hear something last night?" asks the tourist.

45) "Are you a detective?" asks the tourist.

46) "Are you a detective?" asks the police officer.

47) "I am not a detective," says the tourist.

48) "I am not a detective, but I think we should talk to her."

49) "I'm not a detective," says the tourist.

50) "Did you hear anything last night?" asks the tourist.

51) "I heard something last night," says the tourist.

52) "I heard something last night," says the police officer.

53) "Is he a detective?" asks the tourist.

54) "Is he a detective?" asks the police officer.

55) "I saw him yesterday," says the tourist.


Cards against humanity is a great game to play with friends or family. It's also great for exploring taboo topics and making jokes that no one else will get. If you're looking for a party game that is sure to entertain, cards against humanity is the perfect choice. So go ahead and pick up a pack or two and start playing today!

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