Tips On How To Maintain Your Car’s Condition

Just like how we use our daily items, we need to make sure that our things are well maintained. Even our flat screen televisions need maintenance especially if we’re already using them for a lot of years. In the case of cars, we need to make sure that the vehicle is properly maintained so then it perform efficiently for our needs. Note that this is not just for the sake of the car’s looks, but also in terms of making you feel like you’re driving smoothly.

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Just like what most car owners, enthusiasts, and even racers do, they make sure that different parts of the car are being taken care of whenever they consider maintenance. All you have to do is to consider diagnosis when it comes to the vital parts of your car for you to identify if it has an issue, then you can proceed with repairs or by visiting a professional who can expertly do the maintenance for your needs.

The following tips that you will follow for diagnosis lie on the very important parts of the car that provide its overall performance when driving. Note that these are the tires, brakes, belts, interior, oil, the windows, the different fluids that make it function well, batteries, and even cleaning. Once you follow these tips properly, rest assured that you will see your car back into its brand new condition.

Note that this is not just for the sake of your car, but it’s also for making you feel comfortable as it can avoid most accidents and problems when starting up the car once again. As a car owner, it’s very vital to diagnose your car by checking these specific parts:


The tires are a must to be properly inflated so then it will go steadily without the risk of getting flat, and at the same time prevent it from being too bouncy. Always adjust the tires to the right pressure as per manufacturer’s manual. All you have to do is to memorize the air pressure as advised by the car company for you to learn what are the proper settings needed for it.

Check the overall looks and condition of the tires once you plan on maintaining it. Look at the walls on the side if it looks smooth. If it has some damages such as cracks or even some bubbles, go to a professional car repairman in order to diagnose the issue or for possible replacement. Do this on all four tires of your car in order for you to completely identify its respective issues, and remember that the tires are all equal in terms of size – that’s why if replacement is needed, all tires might be required.


The brake system is extremely important so then it will provide the right way to control the speeds towards slowing it or to a full stop when needed be. Once you have a problem with your brakes, risks of accidents will dramatically increase. It’s a must to fix the brakes at all times for the sake of your car efficiency, and that’s why it must be checked every now and then. If you notice that your brakes are starting to get hard and heavy to use, it means there is really a problem with it and you have to get it checked as soon as possible.


Loose belts tend to create a loud sound when braking, and it will need servicing if you ever hear that type of noise. When this happens, you will have a problem when driving your car as it will make a creaky sound that’s really annoying. the belts handle the main mechanism of the car as it moves down the road, and that’s why you need to get it checked whenever this happens. Note that this will also affect the handling of your car and can cause terrible accidents especially when at high speeds if you neglect the car belt.


When getting the interior of the car maintained, you need to clean it through the means of vacuuming. The interior might not be worth of serious maintenance at most times, but note that it’s still needed as it can lower the risk of allergies due to dust, as well as make you feel comfortable about your own car as well. Also, you need to make sure that your car’s interior is fully wiped with a clean cloth especially when there are some dirt, grime, and even food crumbs inside your lovely vehicle. If it’s smelly, use a car perfume. Mostly, people tend to maintain this part whenever they plan on selling the vehicle already which is why interior cleanup is extremely important to make it appealing to your buyer.


You need to remember that all of the windows of your car are not broken at all times. The windshield hinder your vision, side windows will cause accidents and a stolen car if it’s broken, the side mirrors will hinder your vision, and the rear mirror is also extremely important when in use. Replace them if they happen to be broken at the moment, and it’s best to do this on a repair center for cars and windshields. For tips on taking care of these very vital, yet vulnerable parts, always allow a lot of space when following other vehicles when you’re behind them as debris from those vehicles might go to your window.


While the fuel serves as the energy of your vehicle, the oil serves as the living blood inside your car. Without it, your car will never function well, and will also produce an annoying sound. In order for you to know whether it’s time to change the oil, you need to make sure that the mileage is set at 3,000 to 5,000 miles. There are some who might say that changing oil is at best when the mileage is at 10,000, always remember that it’s only meant for saving money. Your car’s efficiency – especially when keeping it for a very long time – will be provided if you go for an oil change at 3,000 – 5,000. Do this every month instead.

Car Fluids

Aside from the oil that you have the life of your car, note that the other fluids serve other functionalities that you will find as extremely important for your vehicle as you use it. You need to maintain those by simply checking if they work well. For the air conditioner, if the air seems to get hot or just as windy as a small fan, then be sure to replace its coolant. The power steering fluid might be in need of replacement if car handling seems to feel heavy already. The windshield washer might be empty as it doesn’t release any fluids on your windshield. The brake fluid is also important when your brake starts to get weaker. They must be maintained every other month in order to perfectly provide utmost performance for the other aspects of your car.


The battery of the car is known to be one of the most important parts of the vehicle as well. This is responsible for running your air conditioner, the CD player, the lights, plus it’s also responsible for starting up your car. The car battery is the part that requires least maintenance and replacement as it can last for a half a decade. However, you still need to maintain it once the problem starts to appear. To locate this part, you have to check the lead box that has plates covered in metals.

When there is a corrosion, you need to clean it with the help of some special methods (even baking soda is important on this part). Every other month, check the battery’s water level and be sure to fill it up with distilled water only. Don’t overfill it as it can damage your vehicle; just wait for the water to go up the bottom of the hole. For other maintenance purposes, wipe the terminals with a wire brush, and coat it with grease to prevent rusting and corroding. Also, check the voltage if it’s at 12.5 volts before you consider charging it with a mechanic.

Some Cleanup Tips to Consider

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Cleaning the car is extremely important since an unclean car will hinder the vision of your windows, it will also make your wheels very rickety, and you will surely feel annoyed if you see your dusty car in your garage. Also, it can cause other cars to get affected by the dust and grime on your car as well. Also, you have to take note that the car can overheat easily if it’s so dirty. Remember to get the car cleaned once a month so then you will be able to have a well-maintained car that looks as brand new as the other parts of the car that you just maintained, and for it to perform with more efficiency than ever.

If there’s anything else that you need to do for the sake of car maintenance, always remember to use them often. A neglected car will cause the various parts of it to malfunction, and will even give you a very hard time starting it. If you’re not planning to use your car for a long time, especially during winter, at least start it up three to five times a month so then it won’t get worn out.

These are the simply tips when it comes to diagnosing your car for the sake of maintenance. A car is simply like your pet: you bought it, you will take care of it, you will seek their attention every now and then, and lastly, you will love it unconditionally!

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Jade Brunet

It is helpful to learn that tires must be properly inflated so that your car will drive steadily without being too bouncy. I am glad to know that the right air pressure can be found in the manufacturer’s manual. I have also heard that it is a good idea to get the transmission worked on after 100,000 miles of driving in the car.

    Tracy Moore

    Yes, I also think. Thanks for imformative.

Sammy Wright

Good read for car owners.
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