Five Aftermarket Parts that Insurance May Not Cover

Whenever you need to make repairs on your car, it can be tempting simply to find the cheapest aftermarket part online, phone a friend of a friend, and have them fix your car. However, you must be wary. Not only can you put yourself in grave danger by using some of these aftermarket parts, but your insurance may not even cover such a part.

With over one million deaths caused by car crashes every year, it is important to know the facts when it comes to your car and the parts on it.

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Five Aftermarket Parts that Insurance May Not Cover


Some of the worst problems with aftermarket parts come from the fact that many dealers specialize in low-quality, mass-produced parts that may not work at their most efficient and that is what gives them such a bad reputation. If your part is coming from China or another country from Asia, then it is less likely to be a high quality part that will function at the best possible rate.

If you have to go through a middle man, then the part is likely to come from some foreign part dealership that simply wants to make money and not insure your safety, so be sure that it has passed safety standards and that it will actually function as it should.

1. Fuel Pump

While some insurance plans may cover aftermarket parts, this extraordinarily important part may not be covered on all plans. This is something to look into because fuel pump problems can be as deadly as not wearing a seatbelt or texting while driving.

Not only that, but this part can sometimes be extremely difficult to replace, so it is worth wondering if you need the new fuel pump after all because if you replace it and the part is not covered by insurance, then you just wasted valuable time and money, and no one wants that. Always make sure that these additions are in your best interest.

2. Catalytic Converter

This one is significant to analyze for a number of reasons.

  • Aftermarket catalytic converters can also be extremely difficult to install.
  • Aftermarket parts usually do not last as long as the original converter that came with the car especially if they arent cleaned properly, and if it’s not covered by insurance, then you are going to lose money.
  • The new catalytic converter that you get may not meet the emissions requirements for your state or county.

Be sure that you have figured out everything that you need to before you get this costly replacement done or else you could be harming not only your car and your wallet but the environment as well.

3. Brake Pad Set

With the Internet becoming a bigger and bigger player in the market for car parts and aftermarket car part sales, you need to be sure that the brake pad set that you are investing in is covered by your insurance provider. Having brakes that work well is integral to your road safety as well as the safety of everyone else that you share the road with.

Faulty brake pads or inadequate breaking parts are a huge role in pedestrian vs. car accidents. If this ever happens to you, then you should do the same thing. These aftermarket parts can be the reason that someone walks away from an accident or someone dies. Remember that.

4. Radiator

When you are shopping for a radiator, you also want to consider that if your insurance does not cover one specific type of radiator, then they may cover another. For instance, they may prefer a crossflow radiator over a downflow radiator, and it depends on the company and other policies that you have.

Also consider the type of base that you have: is it aluminum or is it copper? Each comes with its own pros and cons, but one may be covered by your insurer while the other one is not. Talk to an agent on the phone and see what you can do when it comes to this important part.

5. Alternator

This is one of the scariest car parts for an insurance company to deal with because if the alternator goes out, then it can leave a driver dead in the water on the road. That makes it a bit of a risk for some insurance providers and because of the overall unreliability that comes with some foreign parts, they may not even bite at the idea of an aftermarket alternator.

Consider speaking with your insurance provider if you notice charging problems with your vehicle and see if there are any insured alternatives.

Take Care in Adding Aftermarket Parts

Allow a professional to put on the part if you are able to. That way, the part can be safely put on your vehicle without risk of injury to you, anyone else on the road, or anyone else that would drive the vehicle. While this may add extra cost, this could save you from having an accident in the end that could severely injure someone.

If you feel as though you are capable of putting the aftermarket part on your car, then take care and make sure that you have all the parts that you need to put the part on the car as well so that you can quickly, safely, and efficiently get the job done. 

Stay Safe When it Comes to Aftermarket Parts

There is always an element of risk when it comes to purchasing and putting on aftermarket parts. This is a risk that you take with the overall health and value of your car, your own safety, the safety of others on the road, and your insurance.

Choose wisely and stay safe as you modify your car. When it comes to such integral parts as radiators and brake pad sets, do your homework before purchasing the part and before having the part put on your car at all. Safe driving involves so much more than just what happens behind the wheel, so be sure to embody that at all times.

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