5 Tips to Keep Your Car Clean

No one wants to have a dirty car but for some, the act of keeping it clean can be a difficult feat, especially if they have packed schedules that leave them with little time to take care of other responsibilities they may have. That said, keeping a car clean and maintaining its cleanliness is far easier than periodically clearing out the mess that has managed to build up in your vehicle over time. Are you looking to improve the cleanliness of your car? If so, here are five expert tips that will help keep your car clean.

5 Tips to Keep Your Car Clean

Why You Want to Keep Your Car Clean

There are many reasons why you may want to keep your car clean. Some people try to impress people who are regularly in your car because the mess has become so overwhelming that it is impacting your quality of life. Others want a clean car simply because the mess is causing damage to the interior or exterior of your vehicle. There are plenty of great motivators that will help you keep your car clean on a regular basis. Keep these reasons in the back of your mind to help you start building these habits and keep you motivated along the way.

Feng Shui in Cars

Just like your house, your car should be organized for your convenience and peace of mind. You want to make sure that everything flows and that all of your needs are right at your fingertips. When you allow dirt and trash to build up in your car, it can become a source of stress and frustration. It also becomes harder to clean something when you are not keeping up with it. Just like those papers on your desk, it will continue to pile up. Instead of taking a small portion of your time each week to pick up what you can, it only piles up and causes you to waste more time cleaning later.

Many of the tips provided below will allow you to achieve that flow in such a way that both your stress and your mess are eliminated. Let’s take a look at what these tips consist of.

How to Keep Your Car Clean 

If you want to make sure your car stays clean throughout the course of your ownership, consider the following points when you start creating a plan for improved maintenance.

Trash Can

Generally, people who have a messy car will dispose of their trash in two ways. Either they will simply throw it somewhere in the car or they will put it in a bag and throw it somewhere in the car. Both of these options create a pile of trash that is only emptied when it begins spilling out of the vehicle. One great way to battle this issue is to purchase a trash can product for your car. When it fills up, which will be relatively quickly, all you have to do is make sure to empty it as soon as possible and get into the habit of doing this regularly. This will also help you reduce the amount of trash you are producing!

 If you are part of the small population that throws trash out of their car, please stop that. It’s not going to solve any problems. Pick up after yourself and the world will be cleaner overall.
5 Tips to Keep Your Car Clean

Floor Mats

If you are known for spilling liquids or crumbs and tracking dirt into your car, you most likely have unsightly carpeting that is difficult to clean. Once you do clean, the process just repeats itself until you feel the need to do another deep clean on the interior of your car. One great way to break the cycle is to purchase floor mats, which serve to trap liquids and solids and prevent them from getting into your carpeting. They can make your car look great as well!

There are few different types of floor mats to choose from. Make sure to do your homework on it. Although most will fit, not all custom ones will fit your interior floorboard.


If you have a lot of items in your car that you regularly need, chances are that they are currently poorly organized. Let’s face it; there’s nothing worse than having to rummage around in your car for something that you have to have. Purchasing organizers, which may sit in your console, on the backs of your seats, or even on the floor, help you to stay organized and keep your most important products within reach.

There are also some that fit perfectly in your trunk. People who have business that causes them to be on the road constantly know about this one. For example, real estate agents will use this organizer and leave tools in there along with paperwork they may need to fill out last minute.

Car Wash/Detail

When your car starts looking like the ideal place to write reminders for things you need to do, you know that it has gone too long without being washed and detailed (and this applies to the inside of your car as well).

 Make sure to schedule car washes and detailing into your calendar so that you don’t fall behind and have to deal with extensive cleaning sessions every time your car needs help. Nowadays, many places have car wash and oil change as one package bundle. This makes it easier because you can knock out two birds with one stone!

Maintain Monthly

Part of keeping your car clean is regular maintenance. If you let your car go for too long without attention, you are going to have a progressively harder time returning it to pristine condition. Make sure to maintain your car monthly and keep this habit up so that you never fall behind.


Although cleaning a severely messy car can seem daunting, it is far better to do so once and keep it clean than to do so every time you go to take care of it. If you want to make sure your car is always spotless, use the five tips above and tackle the mess today!

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