Useful Tips To Help You Buy The Best Brake Caliper Paint

Nothing is as beautiful as a car painted in a color that is both attractive to the eyes and pleasing to the mind. You may have struggled so much to make your car conform to the above reasons by regularly painting it.

You may have however in most cases concentrated on the outside body of the car while forgetting another very important part of the car. The important part is the brake calipers which must also be painted as regularly as possible. This does not only make your car attractive but also makes you have a much safer ride.

The brake calipers are what squeeze pairs of pads against the rotor to create some frictional force that reduces the shaft’s rotation speed, therefore, reducing your vehicles speed and even stopping it. Due to this frictional force, the paints on these brake calipers tend to fade and wear out hence the need to repaint them with time. You will need the best brake caliper paint to achieve this.

Brake calipers are very important components of your car’s ability to stop and should be given very keen attention while painting them. This article will definitely help you in making an informed opinion when choosing the best paint for your car’s brake calipers.

Features to Consider Before Buying Paint for Your Brake Calipers

Best Brake Caliper Paint

It is important to note that not any paint you come across in the market is best suited for your brake calipers. You have to equip yourself with the attributes that the caliper paint you need should have.

It is however quite challenging to know which paint suits your car the most, given that companies are trying their level best to outdo each other in this field. It, therefore, depends on what you are really looking for.

Below are some of the features you can look out for when choosing the best paint for your brake calipers:

1. Quality of The Paint

Since brake calipers are exposed to very high temperatures during braking, it is therefore recommended that the paint you have to choose for the brake caliper should be able to withstand this heat for a long time. The paint should also be attractive once the application has been completed. Only high-quality paints are capable of that.

2. Cost

A very expensive brake calipers’ paint does not necessarily mean it will give you all that you are desirably looking for. However, this should not be reason enough to go for a cheaper product. If a cheaper one that meets all your needs is available, then it is recommended that you go for that.
Always work with what fits into your financial plans. Do not strain financially to get expensive brake caliper paint when you can actually find another cheaper option that will most probably serve the same purposes.

3. Caliper’s Past

Many people use calipers that are second-hand in most cases or even from stolen vehicles. It is not advisable to just choose a particular paint and start painting the calipers. You have first of all to understand the type of caliper that you are in possession of. This will probably make you certain of what type of brake caliper paint you need.

4. Weather conditions

Knowing the climatic conditions of the place you are residing in or you plan to visit using your car frequently will help you a great deal in choosing what kind of brake caliper paint suits you. For example, it is recommended to go for high heat resistant paints in arid or semi-arid areas. The heat that is associated with braking will be quite higher, and therefore only paints with high resistance to extremely hot conditions will save you money.

5. Safety

The paint that has been chosen for the brake calipers should not have any effects on the performance of the brake system. High temperatures being produced during braking may cause the paint to come off and make contact with the brake system.
Therefore, if a paint is used without checking on its safety standards, it may be hazardous to the braking system. This can put you in a very risky situation.

A Review of The Best Best Brake Caliper Paint on The Market 2016-2018

Before choosing the brake caliper paint to purchase, it is advisable to have an overview of what is currently available on the market. This will make your work easier when making a suitable paint selection.
Below is a detailed analysis of three of these products that will help you make an informed opinion on which one to go for.

1. VHT SP731 Real Red Brake Caliper Paint


The VHT SP731 Real Red Brake Caliper Paint has been designed for the caliper, the drum, the brake and for rotor custom detailing. This product is heat resistant to up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit, and therefore it does not fade, crack, rust and chip in extreme weather and road conditions.

The VHT caliper paint is a component of a high-performance coating system that is composed of clear coat, paint, and primer. This paint dries quickly, in about 30 minutes to the touch and complete drying takes place overnight. The paint is easy to apply at the same time.

However, it should be prepared carefully for proper adhesion and curing. Correct curing takes place under normal operating temperatures of the brake. It can also happen when the parts being painted are heated to 200 degrees Fahrenheit after which this product reaches its unique qualities.

Top features

  • check
    Has superior resistance to chemical and heat
  • check
    Has the ability to withstand temperatures of up to 900 degrees when properly cured
  • check
    Its best qualities are realized when used together with a clear coat and primer
  • check
    Specifically designed for the caliper, drum and brake as well as for purposes of detailing the rotor custom
  • check
    Has a satin and glossy finish


  • plus
    A bit cheaper
  • plus
    Holds on properly well
  • plus
    Easy to apply
  • plus
    Dries quickly
  • plus
    Does not wear easily even on bad roads and poor weather conditions


  • minus
    Not user-friendly

2. Dupli-Color BC400 Red Brake Caliper Paint


The Dupli-Color BC400 Red Brake Caliper Paint is resistant to brake dust, automotive chemicals, and chipping. This therefore makes its coating very protective and long-lasting. The paint is formulated with ceramic resins which make it highly glossy. At the same time, it is temperature resistant up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit.

This caliper paint is available in two forms; one being the brush-on kit for application in cases when the brake calipers are not removed from the vehicle. The second one is an aerosol for brake caliper application when the calipers are removed from the vehicle.

The Dupli-Color paint comes in a kit that comprises of an instruction booklet, stir stick, masking tape, caliper paint, paint brush and a caliper aerosol cleaner. This will make it easier for you to use this brake caliper paint effectively.
The only issue to be worried about when buying this product is that it does not come with a wire brush.

This is a disadvantage to those who would like to practice painting before doing the actual painting.

Top features

  • check
    It is highly resistant to brake dust, chipping, and chemicals
  • check
    Composed of ceramic resins that are resistant to heat of up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit
  • check
    Has fast drying properties
  • check
    The finished process is durable if the paint is allowed to properly cool after its application


  • plus
    The kit contains nearly everything needed for painting the brake calipers
  • plus
    The quality is excellent
  • plus
    Dries quickly
  • plus
    It is very smooth and glossy
  • plus
    Comes in more than enough quantity


  • minus
    The kit does not come with a wire brush for those who would like to carry out prep work before the actual painting

Comparison between VHT SP731 Real Red Brake Caliper Paint VS. Dupli-Color BCP400 Red Brake Caliper Paint

Both of these products are fast-drying once their application onto the brake calipers is ultimately made. Once applied and properly allowed to cure on the brake calipers, they are both resistant to heat and chemicals. These two paints are however not for sale in the Catalina Island.

On the other hand, the VHT SP731 Real Red Brake Caliper Paint is relatively cheaper compared to Dupli-Color BCP400 Red Brake Caliper Paint which is a little bit costlier. While the VHT SP731 Real Red Brake Caliper Paint can withstand a heat of up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit if properly cured, Dupli-Color BCP400 Red Brake Caliper Paint, on the other hand, can only withstand the heat of up to about 500 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Contrastingly, the Dupli-Color BCP400 Red Brake Caliper Kit is heavier, weighing 1 pound, while the VHT SP731 Real Red Brake Caliper Paint is much lighter, weighing just 12 ounces only.

3. High-Temperature High Gloss Self leveling Brush on Red G2 Brake Caliper Paint

This is another great product that offers a very high heat resistance of up to 980 degrees Fahrenheit. It can be easily applied as a brush-on which makes the paint add some stylish touch to the brake calipers.

This product weighs 1.9 pounds which makes it somehow heavy but very effective when used to paint your car’s brake calipers. This paint comes in a kit that is very easy to use and at the same time has easy and understandable instructions to follow. To get a smooth finish; use a nice bristled brush for the second and third coats after dabbing with a sponge-brush during its application.

The paint system set comprises of three and a half liquid oz. of paint and approximately a half liquid oz. of the reactor. Upon receiving the kit, the can appears to be half-filled. However, this has been intentionally done to help add the reactor directly to the can for purposes of mixing without worrying about possible spills of paint.

Top features

  • check
    It is available in high-gloss, 11 standard and wear-resistant colors
  • check
    The paint comes in an easy to use kit complete with everything needed for the application
  • check
    It is a very attractive paint once applied on the brake calipers
  • check
    This product offers excellent physical and chemical protection to the brake calipers
  • check
    This brake caliper paint system set from G2 is a top-of-the-line one


  • plus
    The kit that it comes with is very easy to use
  • plus
    The finished product is very shiny
  • plus
    Comes in more than enough quantities
  • plus
    Quick to dry
  • plus
    Provides protection against wear and chemicals that might negatively affect the calipers
  • plus
    Comes in a complete kit with paint, primer and clear coat


  • minus
    It contains only one small can of brake cleaner which is not enough for four calipers
  • minus
    A bit expensive compared to the other brands

Comparison between Dupli-Color BCP400 Red Brake Caliper Paint VS. the High-Temperature High Gloss Self Leveling Brush on Red G2 Brake Caliper Paint

These two paints can offer protection against both physical and chemical damage on the calipers. Both products come in complete kits with the inclusion of almost everything necessary for their application. They also share the quick-drying property after their application on the brake calipers.

The High-Temperature High Gloss Self Leveling Brush on Red G2 Brake Caliper Paint is however quite expensive compared to the Dupli-Color BCP400 Red Brake Caliper paint. At the same time, Dupli-Color BCP400 Red Brake Caliper paint is heat resistant to temperatures of up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit as compared to the High-Temperature High Gloss Self Leveling Brush on Red G2 Brake Caliper Paint that resists the heat of up to 980 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Additionally, the High-Temperature High Gloss Self Leveling Brush on Red G2 Brake Caliper Paint is heavier than the Dupli-Color BCP400 Red Brake Caliper paint.

Comparison between High-Temperature High Gloss Self Leveling Brush on Red G2 Brake Caliper paint VS. the VHT SP731 Real Red Brake Caliper Paint

These two paints are fast-drying after being applied on the brake caliper and are at the same time protective against chemical and adverse chemical conditions once properly cured after application.

The High-Temperature High Gloss Self Leveling Brush on Red G2 Brake Caliper paint is more expensive compared to the VHT SP731 Real Red Brake Caliper Paint which is relatively cheaper.

The two paints have different heat resistance temperatures with the VHT SP731 Real Red Brake Caliper paint, and the High-Temperature High Gloss Self Leveling Brush on Red G2 Brake Caliper paint having 900 and 980 degrees Fahrenheit of heat resistance temperatures respectively.

Wrapping up

Maintenance of the brake calipers is not a very easy task as they keep fading their paints away every time due to braking or adverse weather conditions. However, it is very necessary for you to repaint them as it forms part of your safety on the road which should always be your number one priority.

It is for this reason that there is currently a very wide range of paints that can help you in restoring the desired state of your brake calipers. Before choosing on the best brake caliper paint for your vehicle, it is recommended that you do a proper research on what your brake caliper needs are.

Of the three reviewed products, the VHT SP731 Real Red Brake Caliper Paint stands out to be the best amongst them because it is cheap, dries quickly, easy to apply, holds on properly well and at the same time resistant to chemicals and adverse weather conditions as per customer feedbacks. I would, therefore, like to recommend it to paint your brake calipers.

Have you ever used any of these three products? Are you planning to try on a new one? I believe this article will be of great help to you when choosing on the best paint for your brake calipers. I am looking forward to any feedbacks from you.

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